Today is the second International Pronouns Day.
What is International Pronouns Day?
International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people.
Why do pronouns matter?
By displaying your pronoun in your email signature, for example, you send the message to your interlocutors that you want your pronouns and your gender identity to be respected. You also show your willingness to do the same for others. It helps to create a culture where pronouns and gender identities are asked rather than assumed, and all gender identities are respected and celebrated.
What can you do to be more inclusive of diverse gender identities?
Stonewall has some great guidelines:
✔️ When you introduce yourself, also introduce your pronoun. This can remind people it may not always be obvious what pronoun someone uses.
✔️ Put your pronouns in your email signature and/or social media profile
✔️ Try to avoid addressing groups or people with gendered language, e.g., instead of using ‘Ladies and Gentleman’, use the word ‘everyone’ to address a group.
✔️ If you’re not sure what someone’s pronouns are, ask them.
✔️ If you accidentally misgender someone, just apologise to them and then move on using their correct pronoun.