Inquiry on LGBT+ Equality and Religion

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global LGBT+ Rights is conducting an inquiry into the relationship between LGBT+ equality and freedom of religion or belief around the world to strengthen and develop international understanding and expertise on this complex and often contentious issue. 

Building on the increasing body of work on this topic, we recognise that vibrant LGBT+ religious communities as well as faith groups that support the rights of LGBT+ people exist across the world.  At the same time, however, there are other religious groups that espouse strong opposition to equality for LGBT+ people.  This opposition manifests itself in many varied ways, including via hate speech, promotion of discrimination and conversation therapy, forced marriage, restricting access to healthcare, employment and education, opposing the decriminalisation of same-sex activity, the use of violence and torture,  and other abuses of human rights.

The purpose of this inquiry is, on a global level, to identify:  

  • the main threats and challenges which LGBT+ communities face globally from religious actors opposing LGBT+ equality;

  • the most effective ways in which both LGBT+ faith-based groups and faith communities that support LGBT+ rights can advocate for equal rights and support allies and religious organisations to support human rights; and

  • the most effective ways in which legislators and policy makers can approach these challenges.

This inquiry will explore existing alliances between communities of faith, religious institutions, government bodies, international institutions, human rights defenders, and LGBT+ advocates as well as opportunities to strengthen and promote the same in the future. It will identify the main challenges and conflicts, and put forward practical recommendations and best practises to the UK Government on these issues regarding the false dichotomy of freedom of religion or belief and LGBT+ equality.  

We will seek both oral and written evidence from a range of stakeholders with expertise and experience in this subject.

More information will be available soon regarding the terms of reference and the call for evidence.

This is not an official publication of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in this report will be those of the group.

Please contact the APPG Researcher and Coordinator Anna Robinson ( with any questions.